Saturday, August 20, 2011

Back-to-School Lunches

For the past two years my children have taken lunch to school. There are occasional days that they get school lunch (if mom oversleeps and we're rushing, or if it's breakfast for lunch day at school), but for the most part they take it from home.

Believe me, we didn't start out this way. I'm all about convenience, and when my oldest started Kindergarten, it was just easier on our mornings to not have another thing to worry about. However, after a couple years I began to really analyze this choice I'd made. At $1.95 per lunch, and two lunches per day (two kids) I was paying $78 per month just for their lunch - and this year the price has gone up to $2.50!

I also noticed that the food was very unhealthy. They were having pizza at least once a week, chicken nuggets every Monday, chocolate milk everyday, and gross soggy vegetables.

So...that was it. We made the switch and I have to say that my kids have never complained. In fact, they've really enjoyed being able to actually eat a good meal. : )

Now you know why I've decided to do this "School Lunch Week" - it's to help out all those people looking for ideas of what to send with their child to school. Please, let me know what you think and also give me some feedback and ideas of lunches that you like to send with your child.

Come back on Monday, it all starts on the First Day of School!

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